We provide various alternative natural options to achieve ultimate emotional and physical health!
Special Advantage
Farasha Kaa encourage individuals, groups, and communities to preserve our ultimate mother, Earth… We respect the provisions of living in a resourceful, peaceful, clean environment, and we diligently work to produce the best products to our customers.
FARASHA KAA guarantees ALL cooperative clientele 13% off of products only, when we receive no longer used (or empty) FARASHA KAA bottles and jars!
Each client who utilizes our products and sends back the empty jar(s) or bottle(s) to one of our addresses, will receive 13% off future purchased products. All of our clients’ account information is stored in confidential files, and each participant will receive their discount(s) during the check-out process of purchasing new products and/or refills.
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Customers Reviews
I am a 63 year old post menopausal Queen with Graves disease (hypothyroidism) and chronic arthritis in my right hip... After the first month I began to see by blood pressure go down so I stopped the second medication... I have proven to myself that this Chlorophaid Tea has the health benefits that my system needs! My bp has stabilized and my hip has improved in mobility and reduction in pain. I have energy again and I have resumed my healthy diet and exercise. Thank You Spirit Butterfly for the Love that you add to it 😘
HANNA HARDIMONAtlanta, Ga. | MAY 20202

CHLOROPHAID seems to have promoted some elements of mental clarity which allows me to keep focus and work as effectively during the day...
BRANDON C.Atlanta, Ga. | September 2020

At the suggestion of my sister, I started taking Chlorophaid juice around this time, March 2020. Initially I was a bit skeptical because I wasn't sure what is it going to do for me. Within 2 months of taking, on the consistent basis, I noticed that my psoriasis, specifically on my legs and arms dissipated. Within 4 months, it wasn't noticeable anymore (unless you've known me for years).
Another benefit since taking Chlorophaid, is the fact that I haven't had any form of colds or flu since COVID started. The last one is I am an asthmatic. Since taking Chlorophaid, I've found myself using my ProAir/Albuterol inhaler a lot less as well...
Richard "Chuck" Clark IIIAtlanta, Ga. | July 2021